Jack Whitefield & Brad Feuerhelm
Interrogating Site: A Multi-Disciplinary Workshop
Arles, FR
July 3 - 7, 2024
5-Day photography and multimedia workshop held during Les Recontres de La Photographie with Jack Whitefield and Brad Feuerhelm that will interrogate the mechanics of site-specific works with an emphasis on photography in its extended form. We will examine the production of photographs but will also emphasize site-specific interactions with materials found on-hand. Participants will be encouraged to photograph, draw, paint, collage, make rubbings, field record, and employ any other methodology to document place (Arles) with a personal subjectivity. We will have daily meetings both indoor and out.
The goal will be to think laterally and treating this as an open-air laboratory. The instructors will lead the group at specific times and will encourage the group to encounter Arles and its events throughout the week. It will be an intense time, but we will arrange the schedule in such a way that it allows for the enjoyment of the week.
Arles is a rich historical location in the south of France. Remnants of past and present cultures permeate the horizon. From the Roman Coliseum to the nearby Camargue, Arles and its environment present a rich site in which to dissect and disseminate ideas about how we record a place with all pitfalls and success included in the discussion. Can a place ever truly be understood? Can it be mapped? How do we, and our intentions fit along its historical timeline in an age ecological uncertainty and challenges to the veracity of truth.
A Two Zoom Symposium precursor with external lecturers explaining the nature of site-specific working, its implications regarding history, architecture, and mapping will also be included. We will use these sessions to look collectively at the topic of site-specific works, as well as hear from adjunct instructors on the matter of site.
The Zoom Symposium is open to all participants in the physical workshop and those from outside who wish to only attend the on-line portion. Our seminar instructors include Maja Daniels, Brad Feuerhelm, Max Pinckers, Lua Ribeira, and Andrea Stultiens, with more names to come. The two-day event will be held on June 8th and 9th .
Zoom Only Symposium
15 Euros Plus VAT (Unlimited Seats)
Zoom enrolment begins May 15th
5-Day Physical Workshop Arles + Zoom (14 Seats + 2 Scholarship Seats)
425 + VAT
Scholarship Seats
Two Full-Price Scholarship will be made available for participants suffering extended economic hardship. This will not include the price of lodging, travel, or food. Please note on your application if you are applying for the scholarship with a small detail as to why your application should be considered.
Please send 10-15 photographs with a paragraph summary of your work.
Previous Nearest Truth Workshops participants do not have to submit, simply send an email.
Jack Whitefield is a British artist born in St. Ives, Cornwall in 1991. Jack works with a diverse range of media including photography, film, drawing, book making and site-specific earthworks. Themes which run through his work include geology, architectural ruins, folklore, process and language.
Brad Feuerhelm is the author of eight books of photography. He is the director of Nearest Truth Workshops, Nearest Truth Podcast, and American Suburb X.